
Krijojmë materiale vizuale që duken dhe ndikojnë.


Agjencia moderne e dizajnit të shtypit

630print ofron dizajne mbresëlënëse për biznese dhe individë, duke kombinuar kreativitetin dhe mjeshtërinë për të sjellë idetë tuaja në jetë dhe për të bërë mesazhin tuaj të dallohet.

a close up of a pantone book with color swatches
a close up of a pantone book with color swatches
Dizajne cilësore dhe inovative
Pasion për kreativitetin

Ne krijojmë materiale vizuale që rezonojnë me audiencën tuaj, duke ofruar zgjidhje të personalizuara për reklamim, brendim dhe projekte personale. Historia juaj meriton të shihet—zgjidhni 630print!

Shërbimet tona

Dizajni i materialeve vizuale për biznese dhe individë, me fokus në cilësi dhe kreativitet.

Two graphic print materials rest on a dark gray surface. One appears to be a folded booklet featuring bold red text and an abstract razor blade design with white and black wavy lines. The other is an unfolded brochure with information, elegant white typography against a black background, and illustrations, including event details and dates.
Two graphic print materials rest on a dark gray surface. One appears to be a folded booklet featuring bold red text and an abstract razor blade design with white and black wavy lines. The other is an unfolded brochure with information, elegant white typography against a black background, and illustrations, including event details and dates.
printing machine
printing machine
Kartat e biznesit

Krijojmë karta biznesi elegante që reflektojnë identitetin tuaj dhe e bëjnë të dallohet.

Printime promocionale

Ofrojmë printime promocionale të personalizuara për të promovuar markën tuaj dhe për të arritur audiencën.

Galeria Jonë

Shikoni projektet tona krijuese për printim dhe dizajn vizual.

a row of folded brochures on a white background
a row of folded brochures on a white background
A computer screen displays a graphic design software with a brand identity project open, featuring multiple blue-themed design variations for a brand labeled 'APATIE'. The image includes different versions of the brand's logo and designs on a grid layout. The background shows a blurred bottle and some greenery out of focus.
A computer screen displays a graphic design software with a brand identity project open, featuring multiple blue-themed design variations for a brand labeled 'APATIE'. The image includes different versions of the brand's logo and designs on a grid layout. The background shows a blurred bottle and some greenery out of focus.
white labeled books
white labeled books
A tri-fold DL brochure mockup on a beige background. The brochure features modern typography and geometric design elements, with one panel displaying a black-and-white image of a spiral pattern. The brochure text includes a prominent 'MF' logo.
A tri-fold DL brochure mockup on a beige background. The brochure features modern typography and geometric design elements, with one panel displaying a black-and-white image of a spiral pattern. The brochure text includes a prominent 'MF' logo.

630print ka transformuar idetë e mia në dizajne të mrekullueshme. Shërbimi i tyre është profesional dhe kreativ, duke e bërë çdo projekt të veçantë.


A series of printed pages with design layouts are pinned to a whiteboard in a brightly lit room. The pages appear to be drafts or wireframes of web or app designs, featuring various text and graphical elements. Sunlight filters through nearby windows, creating a mix of natural and artificial lighting.
A series of printed pages with design layouts are pinned to a whiteboard in a brightly lit room. The pages appear to be drafts or wireframes of web or app designs, featuring various text and graphical elements. Sunlight filters through nearby windows, creating a mix of natural and artificial lighting.
